Sunday, April 26, 2009


I am so excited to have this baby!! I am 38 weeks and feeling tired, sore and cranky! This little boy was breech and the doctor was worried that I would have to delivere c-section. So we scheduled an external version where the dr puts jelly all over your belly and pushing the baby head down from the outside. I guess it hurts really bad!!! Well the morning of the procedure Gordon and I went to the hospital and got all ready for the dr. Then right before we started i had an unltra sound and he was already head down on his own!!!!! (I think the blessing I got the right before from Gordon helped) So now I just have to wait- I hate that sometimes!


Unknown said...

I am so HAPPY to hear this!!! I have been thinking about you and wondering what had happened with the baby's position. What a BLESSING!!!!! Wow! That is the neatest thing.

Good luck with his upcoming arrival. I'm so excited for you!

Unknown said...

Hooray! I'm so glad! Hold in there, you can make it.

Good job in finally posting on your blog. (from ashley Shurtleff with her husband's email)